NOVASTAR NOVACLB Kalibreringsprogramvare NOVASTAR NOVACLB Kalibreringsprogramvare

NOVASTAR NOVACLB Kalibreringsprogramvare

Alt. varenr: NOVACLB
87 489,-eks. mva
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Module Replacing Calibration Solution
When some problems occur in the module being used, the brightness and color of the new module which is used to replace the failure one will be very different to its surrounding modules. This solution only calibrates the new module and solves the problem of uniformity within 3 minutes.

Super Fast Calibration Solution of the Whole Display
It is also very efficient to calibrate the whole display at one time without partitioning, It is suitable for calibration on-site in emergency.

Fast Adjustment of Bright and Dark Lines Solution
This will solve the problem of display's bright and dark lines problem caused by cabinets assembling. No calibration equipment and calibration specialist required. Anyone can do it. The whole adjustment process is very easy
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