PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm

PROLIGHTS Flightcase Astra Profile900

786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm

Varenr: 182623
Alt. varenr: FCLASTRAP900
13 994,-eks. mva
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Flight case with internal compartments designed to contain 1 ASTRAPROFILE900 projector.

Main features:
Size (LxHxW): 786 X 902 (770 without wheels) X 589 mm
Weight: 42,0 kg
Weight with 1 ASTRAPROFILE900: 86,2 kg

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